Celebrating Malawi’s warm rural life

We are a thriving village working on the cultural, social and economic transformation of Malawi’s rural life. We want to welcome you to our homestead and invite you to participate in diverse activities.


In Chingalire, we nurture Malawian rural culture, contribute to the sustainable development of local communities, and give everyone the chance to experience the rural lifestyle.

With these purposes, the village hosts different activities where locals and visitors can teach and learn from others and celebrate Malawi's warm rural life together.

The RURAL GROWTH CENTRE focuses on organising activities for rural development, such as waste-management workshops, bamboo construction training, a tree nursery and a kindergarten. Complementary, the HOME STAY hosts cultural and entertainment events for all and offers overnight stays for up to 80 people.

Let us introduce you to

The Warm Heart of Africa

As a rural country, Malawi and its culture is best understood from the countryside. As self-appointed ambassadors of traditional malawian culture, we facilitate the introduction of foreigners into the Malawian culture through Chichewa classes, showcasing traditional music and dances, and presentation of local efforts in the transformation to sustainable practices.


The repertory of activities we offer are organized in the following categories.


    We organize language classes, vocational trainings and a wide range of workshops: from bamboo to tailoring


    Traditional songs and dances are regularly performed, and we also host events of different sizes


    We provide indoor and outdoor spaces for guests of all nationalities, for singles and for large groups.


    We practice and promote sustainable agricultural methods as well as the restoration of our natural environment.

More about us

Watch some of the activities we host